A new show of four artists, filling the entire gallery with work, opens this weekend. The show is titled: Healing Rain, curated by David Felker, MFA. This is a very exciting show - possibly one of the best on display in Seattle at this time. The work runs the gamut of creativity: two fabric artists, an assemblage artist, and a painter/ photographer. There is a large panel of fabric and paintings; work hanging from the ceiling; large dresses; large rectangular inlaid boxes; and concrete on board.
The artists are:
Deborah Barnes: Fashion RIP Project
Anthony Huss: Paintings and Photography
Don Metke: Wood Assemblages
Beverly Naidus: Fabric Panel Installation.
Opening parties will be held on both Saturday, December 8, 6 to 8 pm and Sunday, December 9, 3 to 5 pm.
For information or questions, please email Anthony at anthonyhuss09 at gmail dot com.
Terrifc show and exuberant opening party. Events for 21st and 22nd 2012 are being planned. Please check back for details on science, spirit and healing presentations. FYI the gowns in fashionRIP chapter The Flow are 75% repurposed materials. Because of the detailing and restyling involved the term recycouture is aptly applied. Please come by and engage in the conversation of ideological change. Together we can embrace mountains.